2017/11/04 16:30
2017/11/08 19:35
- the present state of affairs.
- This is the status as on date.
- The situation at this moment is.....
This is where things stand right now.This is where things are currently.The existing state of affairs right now is.....The status quoThe present situation This is how things stand at the moment.
例文This is where things stand right now.これが[現在の](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/54272/)状況です。This is where things are currently.これが現状です。The existing state of affairs right now is.....現在の[状況](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/36378/)は・・・です。The status quo現状The present situation 現状例文This is how things stand at the moment.これが現状です。
2017/11/08 19:05
- The current situation of ~
- The present situation of ~
- The situation in progress.
The 'current' or 'present' situation of something is a situation that is taking place at the moment. It is something that is happening right now, at this time. Example: "The current situation of the business is backruptcy."
物事の 'current'又は 'present' の状況は[現在](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/50923/)起こっている[状況](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/36378/)のことです。現在起こっていることを表します。例文"The current situation of the business is backruptcy." そのビジネスの現状は[破産](https://eikaiwa.dmm.com/uknow/questions/65920/)状態だ。
2018/02/20 17:43
- Currently...
- As things stand...
- At the moment...
You can just say "currently" and then explain the situation thereafter. For example: "Currently, there are no available places." "As things stand" is a typical and common English idiom which means the 'current situation is...' "At the moment" is similar to saying both of the above. You'd open with 'At the moment' and then explain the situation. For example: "At the moment, we are still waiting"
"currently"と言った後で、状況を説明したらいいでしょう。例: "Currently, there are no available places."現在、空きがありません。 "As things stand" は、「現状は」という意味のよく使われるイディオムです。 "At the moment" は上の二つとよく似ています。 'At the moment' から始めて、現状を説明するといいでしょう。例: "At the moment, we are still waiting"今のところ、まだ待っています。
2018/02/20 14:52
- As things stand...
- As things stand at the moment...we are broke and liable to go bankrupt!
Currently means..." at this moment in time"...or "Right now" we use lots of idioms in English and one fo my favourites for this situation is: "As things Stand" this is a figurative phrase and it means "the state of affairs, right now/ as we speak"
currentlyとは、" at this moment in time"または"Right now" とも言うことができ、ちょうど今という意味です。英語にはたくさんのイディオムがあり、"As things Stand" というのが私のお気に入りの一つです。これは、比喩的な表現で、ちょうど今、現段階では、といった意味になります。
2018/11/05 12:59
- current situation
- current state of affairs
現状は英語でcurrent situationやcurrent state of affairsと言います。例)現状はどう?What's the current state of affairs?What's the current situation?現状報告Report on the current situationReport on the current state of affairsご参考になれば幸いです。
2017/11/12 06:41
- The present position
- As things stand at the moment
- What's happening right now
Example sentences: "As things stand at the moment, the Conservative government is power although there has been a large recent swing towards Jeremy Corbyn." "The present position is that we do not love each other and we both want a divorce." "What's happening right now is that you are out of work and our family is shoulder deep in debt!"
例文 "As things stand at the moment, the Conservative government is power although there has been a large recent swing towards Jeremy Corbyn." 現状は、最近ジェイミーコービンへの支持が大きく揺らいでいるが、保守系の政府が政権の座にある。"The present position is that we do not love each other and we both want a divorce."現状は、私たちはお互いに愛していなくて、2人共離婚を望んでいる。 "What's happening right now is that you are out of work and our family is shoulder deep in debt!"現状は、あなたが失業していて、家族は借金で首がまわらない。
2018/04/16 17:29
- Current situation
- In the current situation
- The present situation
When describing a situation happening at present, you can say:"In the current situation""In the present situation""In the situation currently happening"
今の状態のことを言いたいときは以下のように表現することができます。"In the current situation""In the present situation""In the situation currently happening"どれも、現状は、現在はという意味です。
2018/04/17 05:45
- Current situation
- The situation right now
- The situation currently
1. Current situation.Sentence example: In our current situation I do not think we can afford a new car. (Talking about the current financial situation)2. The situation right now.Sentence example: I believe with our situation right now we do not haveto buy more food for the party.(Talking about the amount of food they have in that moment, it looks like they do not need to buy more.)3. The situation currently.Sentence example: The situation currently is very uncomfortable.(This sentence is in the context of being in an awkward situation that makes people feel uneasy.)
1. Current situation.(現状)例:In our current situation I do not think we can afford a new car. 私たちの現状では、新しい車が買えるとは思わない。2. The situation right now.(今の状況)例: I believe with our situation right now we do not have to buy more food for the party.今の状況では、パーティーのためにもっと食べ物を買う必要はないと思う。3. The situation currently.(現在の状況)例: The situation currently is very uncomfortable.今の状況は、落ち着かない。
2018/04/25 00:02
- Current situation
- Right now
- Currently
For example, you can say:-The current situation is difficult because it's making everyone in the room uncomfortable.-The room is tense right now.-Currently, people are upset about what is going on in the room.
例:-The current situation is difficult because it's making everyone in the room uncomfortable.部屋のみんなが居心地の悪い思いをしているから、今は大変。-The room is tense right now.この部屋は今ピリピリしている。-Currently, people are upset about what is going on in the room.今は、みんな、部屋で何が起きているのか心配している。
2019/04/09 02:55
- The current situation of.
- The present situation of.
Current or present situation means what is happening right now.
"current situation" または "present situation" は「今起きている事」という意味です。
2019/04/09 16:04
- Present situation
- The Plan
- What's the crack?
"Present situation" referring to the 'present' time, and the current situation, ex. "What are we going to do in this present situation?". "The Plan" and "Whats the crack?" Are both casual and used expressions especially in the UK, almost slang phrases, These phrases are questions that are asking what the current situation is, where are we going/doing/seeing etc. ex. "Whats the plan tonight?" (what are we doing tonight) "What's the crack" (what are we doing now)
"Present situation"(現状)は、現在の状況を指します。例えば:"What are we going to do in this present situation?"(この状況でどうしようか)"The Plan" と "What's the crack?"は、特にイギリスで使われるカジュアルな表現です。スラングに近いです。これらは、現在の状況について尋ねる質問です。例えば、どこに行くか、何をするか、何を見るかなどを尋ねます。例えば:"What's the plan tonight?"(今夜の予定は?)"What's the crack?"(調子はどう?/元気?)
2020/03/06 04:47
- My situation is not good, I do not feel well.
- The current situation in the country is very positive.
- I am stuck in my current situation and I don't know how to get out of it.
現状 present condition, current situation私の現状は良くなく、気分が悪い。My situation is not good, I do not feel well.国の現状は非常にポジティブです。The current situation in the country is very positive.私は現状で立ち往生しており、それから抜け出す方法がわかりません。I am stuck in my current situation and I don't know how to get out of it.
2020/03/28 11:12
- The present situation
- The current state of affairs
- Sitrep
In English we could refer to the current situation as "the present situation", or "the current state of affairs." All three phrases are useful especially in business meeting situations:The current situation for the product is grim thanks to the spread of COVID-19.The current state of affairs between the US and Cuba have remained tense for the better part of sixty years.In a military situation, a "sitrep" is a briefing given to soldiers, sailors, airmen, or marines detailing a current situation in a combat area.
2018/11/06 03:00
- at the moment
- currently
日本語の「現状」は意味がかなり広いですね。「現状」をどのように英語に訳すかは文脈によります。「at the moment」は「現在は、今は」という意味の副詞句です。「currently」は「現在は、今は」という意味の副詞です。【例】I'm unemployed at the moment.→現在は失業中です。I'm currently unemployed.→現在は失業中です。ご質問ありがとうございました。
2022/08/30 14:57
- current situation
- present state
こんにちは。さまざまな言い方ができると思いますが、下記のような英語表現はいかがでしょうか:current situation現状present state現状current / present は「現在」というニュアンスの英語表現です。situation や state で「状況」を表すことができます。ぜひ参考にしてください。