The European Green Deal (2024)

The European Green Deal (1)

The European Green Deal

Striving to be the first climate-neutral continent

Climate change and environmental degradation are an existential threat to Europe and the world. To overcome these challenges, the European Green Deal will transform the EU into a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy, ensuring:

  • no net emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050
  • economic growth decoupled from resource use
  • no person and no place left behind

The European Green Deal is also our lifeline out of the COVID-19 pandemic. One third of the €1.8 trillioninvestments from the NextGenerationEU Recovery Plan, and the EU’s seven-year budget will finance the European Green Deal.

The European Commission has adopted a set of proposals to make the EU's climate, energy, transport and taxationpolicies fit for reducing net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels. More information onDelivering the European Green Deal.

Discover the European Green Deal visual story


The European Green Deal (2)

Commission sets out key steps for managing climate risks to protect people and prosperity

12 March 2024 - The Commission has published aCommunication on managing climate risks in Europe that sets out how the EU and its countries can implement policies that save lives, cut costs, and protect prosperity. It comes as a direct response to the first-ever European Climate Risk Assessment by the European Environment Agency. It also addresses the concerns that many Europeans have following last’s year record temperatures and extreme weather events. The Commission is calling for action from all levels of government, the private sector and civil society to improve governance and tools for climate risk owners, manage risks across sectors and set the right preconditions to finance climate resilience.

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Key figures

The first climate-neutral continent

by 2050

At least 55% less

net greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, compared to 1990 levels

3 billion

additional trees to be planted in the EU by 2030

Featured initiatives

The European Green Deal (3)


The European Green Deal (4)

The Green Deal Industrial Plan

The European Green Deal (5)

EU action to address energy crisis

What we are working on

The European Green Deal (6)


Becoming the first climate neutral continent by 2050

The European Green Deal (7)


A clean and efficient energy transition

The European Green Deal (8)

Environment and oceans

Protecting our biodiversity and ecosystems

The European Green Deal (9)


A healthy food system for people and the planet

The European Green Deal (10)


Providing efficient, safe and environmentally friendly transport

The European Green Deal (11)


An industrial strategy for a competitive, green and digital Europe

The European Green Deal (12)

Research and innovation

Its role in driving transformative change

The European Green Deal (13)

Finance and regional development

Sustainable investments to deliver the European Green Deal

The European Green Deal (14)

New European Bauhaus

A creative and interdisciplinary initiative that connects the European Green Deal to our living spaces and experiences


  1. 28 May 2024

    The EU and Australia sign partnership on sustainable critical and strategic minerals

  2. 27 May 2024

    Adoption of the Net-Zero Industry Act and of the EU Regulation to reduce methane emissions in the energy sector

  3. 21 May 2024

    Adoption of the electricity and gas market reforms and the new framework to boost the development of hydrogen

  4. 22 April 2024

    The Commission defines principles on limiting most harmful chemicals to essential uses

  5. 13 April 2024

    Entry into force of the Regulation on deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure

  6. 12 April 2024

    Adoption of the strengthened Energy Performance of Buildings Directive

  7. 10 April 2024

    The Commission takes stock of a series of Clean Transition Dialogues on transforming Europe into a clean, resource-efficient, fair and competitive economy

  8. 5 April 2024

    Strategic partnership with Uzbekistan on critical raw materials

  9. 21 March 2024

    The EU and Norway sign strategic partnership on sustainable land-based raw materials and battery value chains

  10. 15 March 2024

    Commission proposes targeted review of Common Agricultural Policy to support EU farmers

  11. 12 March 2024

    Commission sets out key steps for managing climate risks to protect people and prosperity

  12. 11 March 2024

    Entry into force of the Regulation on fluorinated greenhouse gases

  13. 20 February 2024

    Political agreement on the first EU-wide certification scheme for carbon removals

  14. 20 February 2024

    Political agreement on new air quality standards in the EU

  15. 19 February 2024

    The EU and Rwanda sign a Memorandum of Understanding on Sustainable Raw Materials Value Chains

  16. 16 February 2024

    Political agreement on tackling ship-source pollution to help make European seas cleaner

  17. 8 February 2024

    Political agreement to ban all remaining intentional uses of toxic mercury in the EU

  18. 6 February 2024

    The Commission adopts an EU Industrial Carbon Management Strategy, setting out how to sustainably capture, store and use CO2

  19. 6 February 2024

    The Commission presents recommendation for 2040 emissions reduction target to set the path to climate neutrality in 2050

  20. 6 February 2024

    Political agreement on the Net-Zero Industry Act

  21. 2 February 2024

    Political agreement on common rules to promote the repair of goods for consumers

  22. 29 January 2024

    Political agreement on more thorough and more cost-effective urban wastewater management

  23. 25 January 2024

    The Commission launches Strategic dialogue on the future of EU agriculture

  24. 18 January 2024

    Political agreement on strong EU targets to reduce CO2 emissions from new trucks and urban buses

  25. 19 December 2023

    Political agreement on more sustainable and resilient trans-European transport network

  26. 14 December 2023

    Political agreement on the reform of the EU's electricity market design

  27. 8 December 2023

    Political agreement on updated EU rules to decarbonise the gas market and create a hydrogen market

  28. 7 December 2023

    Political agreement on new rules to boost energy performance of buildings across the EU

  29. 5 December 2023

    Political agreement on improving classification, labelling and packaging of hazardous chemicals

  30. 2 December 2023

    COP28: President of the Commission Ursula von der Leyen launches Global Pledge on Renewables and Energy Efficiency

  31. 29 November 2023

    Political agreement on modernising management of industrial emissions

  32. 28 November 2023

    The Commission sets out actions to accelerate the roll-out of electricity grids

  33. 22 November 2023

    The Commission proposes a new forest monitoring law that aims to improve resilience of European forests

  34. 24 October 2023

    The Commission presents theEuropean Wind Power Action Plan

  35. 9 October 2023

    With the adoption of the last two proposals, theFit for 55 packageof measures to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels is now complete. The EU now has legally binding climate targets covering all key sectors of the economy

  36. 1 October 2023

    Enter into application of the transitional phase of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)

  37. 13 July 2023

    Presentation of an initiative to enhance the circularity of the automotive sector, covering the design, production and end-of-life treatment of vehicles

  38. 11 July 2023

    Presentation of measures to make freight transport more efficient and sustainable, by improving rail infrastructure management, offering stronger incentives for low-emission lorries, and better information on freight transport greenhouse gas emissions

  39. 5 July 2023

    The Commission presents a package of measures for a sustainable use of key natural resources – to help soil resilience, increase the sustainability and resilience of our food systems, improving plant and forest reproductive material and reducing food and textile waste

  40. 16 June 2023

    Proposal for a revision of the Energy Labelling Regulation, to help consumers make informed and sustainable choices when purchasing mobile and cordless phones and tablets

  41. 26 April 2023

    The European Parliament and the Council reach a political agreement on the ReFuelEU Aviation proposal

  42. 25 April 2023

    'Fit for 55': Council adopts key pieces of legislation delivering on 2030 climate targets

  43. 25 April 2023

    EU Energy Platform: Commission launches first call for companies to jointly buy gas

  44. 21 April 2023

    The Commission proposes to revise the existing marketing standards of agri-food products

  45. 28 March 2023

    Ambitious new law agreed to deploy sufficient alternative fuels infrastructure

  46. 23 March 2023

    Agreement reached on cutting maritime transport emissions by promoting sustainable fuels for shipping

  47. 22 March 2023

    Consumer protection: enabling sustainable choices and ending greenwashing

  48. 22 March 2023

    Right to repair: the Commission adopts a new proposal on common rules promoting the repair of goods

  49. 16 March 2023

    The Commission proposes the Critical Raw Materials Act

  50. 16 March 2023

    The Commission proposes the Net-Zero Industry Act

  51. 16 March 2023

    The Commission launches the New European Bauhaus capacity-building programme for the reconstruction of Ukraine

  52. 14 March 2023

    The Commission proposes reform of the EU electricity market design to boost renewables, better protect consumers and enhance industrial competitiveness

  53. 10 March 2023

    The EU agrees stronger rules to boost energy efficiency

  54. 21 February 2023

    The Commission is presenting a package of measures to improve the sustainability and resilience of the EU's fisheries and aquaculture sector.

  55. 14 February 2023

    The Commission proposes 2030 zero-emissions target for new city buses and 90% emissions reductions for new trucks by 2040

  56. 13 February 2023

    The Commission sets out rules for renewable hydrogen

  57. 1 February 2023

    The Commission presents a Green Deal Industrial Plan to enhance the competitiveness of Europe's net-zero industry and support the fast transition to climate neutrality

  58. 24 January 2023

    Presentation of a ’A New Deal for Pollinators’ to tackle the alarming decline in wild pollinating insects in Europe

  59. 18 December 2022

    EU agrees to strengthen and expand emissions trading, and creates a Social Climate Fund to help people in the transition

  60. 9 December 2022

    New rules on applying the EU emissions trading system in the aviation sector

  61. 6 December 2022

    EU agrees law to fight global deforestation and forest degradation driven by EU production and consumption

  62. 30 November 2022

    Circular Economy: Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation

    Proposal for a first EU-wide voluntary framework to reliably certify high-quality carbon removals

  63. 15 November 2022

    EU Algae Initiative

  64. 10 November 2022

    Proposal for new Euro 7 standards to reduce pollutant emissions from vehicles and improve air quality

    Biodiversity: Stronger measures against wildlife trafficking

  65. 27 October 2022

    The Council and the European Parliament reach a provisional political agreement on stricter CO2 emission performance standards for new cars and vans

  66. 26 October 2022

    Commission proposesstronger rules for cleaner air and water

  67. 15 September 2022

    Proposal for anemergency market interventionto reduce energy bills for Europeans

  68. 20 July 2022

    Save gas for a safe winter’proposal

  69. 22 June 2022

    Nature protection package

  70. 18 May 2022

    REPowerEU plan: affordable, secure and sustainable energy for Europe

  71. 22 April 2022

    The European Commission joins the European Climate Pact and pledges to make its operations climate neutral by 2030

  72. 5 April 2022

    Proposals to phase down fluorinated greenhouse gases and ozone depleting substances

  73. 5 April 2022

    Proposals to modernise EU industrial emissions rules to steer large industry in long-term green transition

  74. 30 March 2022

    Proposals to make sustainable products the norm in the EU, boost circular business models and empower consumers for the green transition

  75. 23 March 2022

    Options to mitigate high energy prices with common gas purchases and minimum gas storage obligations

  76. 8 March 2022

    REPowerEU: Joint European action for more affordable, secure and sustainable energy

  77. 15 December 2021

    Proposal of a new EU framework to decarbonise gas markets, promote hydrogen and reduce methane emissions

  78. 15 December 2021

    Commission proposals to remove, recycle and sustainably store carbon

  79. 14 December 2021

    New transport proposals target greater efficiency and more sustainable travel

  80. 17 November 2021

    Proposals to stop deforestation, innovate sustainable waste management and make soils healthy

  81. 15 September 2021

    New European Bauhaus: new actions and funding

  82. 14 July 2021

    Delivering the European Green Deal

  83. 17 May 2021

    Sustainable blue economy

  84. 12 May 2021

    Zero pollution Action Plan

  85. 25 March 2021

    Organic Action Plan

  86. 24 February 2021

    New EU strategy on adaptation to climate change

  87. 18 January 2021

    New European Bauhaus

  88. 10 December 2020

    European Battery Alliance

  89. 9 December 2020

    European Climate Pact

  90. 19 November 2020

    Offshore renewable energy

  91. 14 October 2020

    Renovation wave

    Methane Strategy

    Chemicals strategy for sustainability

  92. 17 September 2020

    Presentation of the2030 Climate Target Plan

  93. 8 July 2020

    Adoption of theEU strategies for energy system integration and hydrogento pave the way towards a fully decarbonised, more efficient and interconnected energy sector

  94. 20 May 2020

    Presentation of theEU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030to protect the fragile natural resources on our planet

    Presentation of the ‘Farm to fork strategy’ to make food systems more sustainable

  95. 11 March 2020

    Proposal of aCircular Economy Action Planfocusing on sustainable resource use

  96. 10 March 2020

    Adoption of theEuropean Industrial Strategy, a plan for a future-ready economy

  97. 4 March 2020

    Proposal for aEuropean climate lawto ensure a climate neutral European Union by 2050

    Public consultation (open until 17 June 2020) on theEuropean Climate Pactbringing together regions, local communities, civil society, businesses and schools

  98. 14 January 2020

    Presentation of theEuropean Green Deal Investment Planand theJust Transition Mechanism

  99. 11 December 2019

    Presentation of theEuropean Green Deal


  • Zero Pollution PackageZero Pollution Package
  • The 3 Billion Trees PledgeThe 3 Billion Trees Pledge


  • 1 July 2024

Keynote speech by Executive Vice-President Šefčovič at the Jacques Delors Agora event

  • 24 June 2024

EU invests close to €3 billion of emissions trading revenues for cleaner energy systems in 10 EU countries via the Modernisation Fund

  • 17 June 2024

Opening remarks by Commissioners Sinkevičius and Hoekstra at the Environment Council press conference

  • 13 June 2024

Speech by Executive Vice-President Šefčovič at the opening of the Eurochambres Congress 2024

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Delivering the European Green Deal

Factsheets on Delivering the European Green Deal

  • Factsheet

Factsheets on the European Green Deal

A clear and complete repository of the thematic areas that are shaping the European Green Deal

15 JANUARY 2020

Communication and roadmap on the European Green Deal


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Related links

European Climate Pact

The European Green Deal (2024)


Has the European Green Deal been successful? ›

At that point, one could be forgiven for being skeptical: the Commission has a habit of announcing grand plans that slowly wither away. Four years later, however, the EGD has an impressive track record. The legislative machine of the EU has churned out a constant stream of new rules to combat climate change.

What is the European Green Deal in a nutshell? ›

The EGD is an economic and climate package featuring a variety of measures to make Europe the first economically successful, climate-neutral continent. It includes new and improved European laws, climate and energy policy strategies, and instruments for financing the economic transformation.

What is the target of the European Green Deal? ›

Parliament adopted the EU Climate Law on 24 June 2021, which makes legally binding a target of reducing emissions 55% by 2030 and climate neutrality by 2050. This moves the EU closer to its post-2050 objective of negative emissions and confirms its leadership in the global fight against climate change.

What is the Green New Deal European? ›

The main aim of the European Green Deal is to become climate neutral by the year of 2050. The reasons pushing for the plan's creation are based upon the environmental issues such as climate change, a loss of biodiversity, ozone depletion, water pollution, urban stress, waste production and more.

Is the European Green Deal legally binding? ›

The European Climate Law sets a legally binding target of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

What is the main objective of the European Green Deal? ›

The European Green Deal is a package of policy initiatives, which aims to set the EU on the path to a green transition, with the ultimate goal of reaching climate neutrality by 2050. It supports the transformation of the EU into a fair and prosperous society with a modern and competitive economy.

What are the four pillars of European Green Deal? ›

(EU Commission) The plan laid out 4 pillars guiding its efforts. The pillars are (1) a predictable and simplified regulatory environment (2) fast access to sufficient funding (3) skills and (4) open trade for resilient supply chains.

What are the effects of the European Green Deal? ›

The European Green Deal will change existing norms to make businesses and supply chains more sustainable. The following impacts can be expected on imports to Europe: Stricter social and environmental sustainability requirements in the production and processing of goods and services.

What is the fit for 55 package? ›

Fit for 55 policy package

More specifically, Fit for 55 focuses on specific topics that need particular attention (see Figure 2) and need a strong green transition to achieve climate neutrality. In particular, this package aims to reduce 55 percent of the GHG emissions by 2030 (compared to 1990 levels).

What is the mission of the European Green Deal? ›

The European Green Deal aims at climate neutrality for Europe by 2050, implying a significant acceleration of emission reductions.

What industries are included in the European Green Deal? ›

In the area of industry, the European Commission announced the Green Deal Industrial Plan on 1 February 2023 which aims to support the competitiveness of EU net zero industry on the path to climate neutrality by 2050.

What is the climate deadline for 2030? ›

To keep global warming to no more than 1.5°C – as called for in the Paris Agreement – emissions need to be reduced by 45% by 2030 and reach net zero by 2050.

What is the Green New Deal summary? ›

In 2006, a Green New Deal was created by the Green New Deal Task Force as a plan for one hundred percent clean, renewable energy by 2030 utilizing a carbon tax, a jobs guarantee, free college, single-payer healthcare, and a focus on using public programs.

What is the European Green New Deal just transition? ›

The European Green Deal Investment Plan encompasses a Just Transition Mechanism to facilitate the green transition of territories in the EU that are currently hosting CO2-intensive industries and are thus most affected by the transition. The Just Transition Mechanism consists of 3 components: The Just Transition Fund.

What is the next generation EU Green Deal? ›

#NextGenerationEU is the “investment firepower” for the EU's green transition. This €806.9 billion temporary recovery instrument, which is set to run until 2026, is intended to support the European economy from the coronavirus pandemic and build a greener, more digital and more resilient future.

Has the EU ETS been successful? ›

Since 2005, the EU ETS has helped bring down emissions from power and industry plants by 37%.

Is the European Green Deal to press ahead despite Polish targets opt out? ›

European Union leaders have vowed to press on with a major economic plan to confront the climate emergency, despite Poland's opt-out from a net-zero emissions target by 2050.

Why do countries see a downside to the EU's green trade ambitions? ›

The EU's green ambitions are, for its trading partners, turning into a case of the road to hell being paved with good intentions. Developing nations, especially, worry that Brussels is throwing up trade barriers in its pursuit of climate neutrality and sustainable food production.

How big is the EU Green Deal? ›

To facilitate these investments, in January 2020 the European Commission unveiled the European Green Deal Investment Plan, the "financial" arm of the Green Deal, which provides at least €1 trillion in sustainability investments over the next decade, partly from the EU's regular budget, partly from other financial ...

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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

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Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.