Horoscope Today: July 28, 2024 (2024)

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See what the stars have in store for your sign.

Horoscope Today: July 28, 2024 (1)

You’ve spent a fair amount of time bending yourself backwards, Pisces. You’ve spent a fair amount of time dimming your light so you may seem more palatable. Here’s a radical thought: what if you didn’t have to be anybody but your most authentic self to be loved by those around? You are *you*, and that’s your superpower. We hear you, Scorpio! Lately, you’ve been feeling as if your life is stuck in second gear. A good question to ask yourself when self-doubt weighs you down: am I unable to move because of something in my external reality or my own beliefs around the given situation? Chances are, you’re not giving yourself the permission to move differently—to choose differently—because of wounds that are lingering from your past. Libra, when you believe in the law of divine timing, you trust that *everything* is transpiring in your favour. Now is such a time in your life! A time in your life where you’re putting in the work required without being hung up on a specific outcome. When it comes to your interpersonal relationship, you may be feeling rather introspective. Retrograde season is the perfect opportunity to observe your patterns—to observe where you’re stuck and how you can bring in a fresh perspective. At the same time, remember you cannot make drastic changes overnight. “Patience” is a virtue you’re being called to embrace, beautiful.

So, what does the day ahead have in store for the rest of the signs? Let’s find out. Remember, these are guidance-based soulscopes that can be read according to your sun, moon, and rising. Pick what resonates with you the most!

Aries Horoscope Today: July 28, 2024

Food for thought, Aries: can you imagine how many things have to be right in the cosmos for you to be where you are and have the experiences you’re having at this moment?! Why then are you doubting the divine plan? Why then are you doubting the story that’s been written in the stars? Today, you’re being asked to invite more faith into the narrative as you trust that what isn’t working out is a part of the conspiracy too. If your question involves a beloved, it’s time to get real with yourself first about the kind of relationship you envision for yourself. Communicate your feelings in an open and honest manner as you begin to see your vulnerability as a strength.

Cosmic tip: Have that conversation, boo.

Taurus Horoscope Today: July 28, 2024

You’ve been working diligently and now you’re finally starting to see the results of all that hard work—whether it’s a project coming to fruition, a relationship blossoming, or a personal achievement being recognised! Just a reminder: trust in the law of divine timing! Trust that what is yours will never pass you by, Taurus! As such, this chapter of your life is about embracing abundance in all its forms. Be open to receiving the rewards and blessings that come your way, irrespective of whether they manifest as material blessings or emotional fulfilment. At the same time, tap into your generous spirit and share the good juju with those who’ve been a part of your journey!

Cosmic tip: It’s about embracing abundance in every form.

Gemini Horoscope Today: July 28, 2024

Listen up, buttercup! You’re not stuck! The reason you’re unable to move is because you’re trying to open a new door with an old key. Consider this soulscope as your reminder to move differently, to groove differently. The opportunity for growth, expansion *and* wealth creation is knocking at your door. Besides, Spirit is already showing you proof of your own manifestation abilities! For some of you, the opportunity to travel and explore the unexplored may arise. We are under the influence of Mercury retrograde’s shadow at the moment. Just make sure you double-check your bookings so you’re not stranded in the middle of nowhere with no battery on your phone.

Cosmic tip: It’s time to move differently, groove differently.

Cancer Horoscope Today: July 28, 2024

If you’ve been feeling creatively blocked for a while, it’s time to change the mood, the vibe *and* the energy, Cancer. It’s time to go out into the wilderness and let stories that is life happen to you. It’s time to follow your bliss and consciously pursue that which awakens the song of your soul. Everything else will fall into place—we promise! If you’re planning to invest in a new business or say yes to a golden opportunity at hand, read the offer document carefully and ask yourself ‘what’s in it for me?’ Just a reminder: mercury retrograde is around the corner.

Cosmic tip: Follow your bliss!

Leo Horoscope Today: July 28, 2024

Leo, you may find situations where differing opinions or desires come into play. Instead of standing your ground rigidly, challenge yourself to see things from the other person's perspective. Compromise doesn't mean losing out; it means finding a solution that works for everyone involved. What the cards want you to know: this approach will strengthen your connections and build mutual respect and understanding. That said, you have a week of unexpected twists and turns ahead. Things may or may not go exactly as envisioned. As always, practice being flexible and adaptable. Embrace the idea that sometimes the best path forward is one that accommodates different viewpoints and adjusts to changing circ*mstances.

Cosmic tip: Find balance in your relationships by understanding and respecting the needs of others, while also honouring your own values.

Virgo Horoscope Today: July 28, 2024

Here’s the thing, Virgo: you can’t rush the healing process. You can’t predict what’s going to come next, either. The only thing you can do is drop your resistance and witness that which is emerging from the depths of your subconscious. Golden words by Eckhart Tolle to remember as you move through the day, “Surrender to the grief, fear, loneliness, or whatever form suffering takes. Witness it without labelling it mentally. Allow it to be there. Embrace it. Then see how the miracle of surrender transmutes deep suffering into deep peace.” PS: The universe is holding space for the process of deep inner alchemy, beautiful!

Cosmic tip: Be a witness.

Libra Horoscope Today: July 28, 2024

When you believe in the law of divine timing, you trust that *everything* is transpiring in your favour. Now is such a time in your life, Libra! A time in your life where you’re putting in the work required without being hung up on a specific outcome. When it comes to your interpersonal relationship, you may be feeling rather introspective. Retrograde season is the perfect opportunity to observe your patterns—to observe where you’re stuck and how you can bring in a fresh perspective. At the same time, remember you cannot make drastic changes overnight. “Patience” is a virtue you’re being called to embrace, beautiful.

Cosmic tip: Patience is key.

Scorpio Horoscope Today: July 28, 2024

We hear you, Scorpio! Lately, you’ve been feeling as if your life is stuck in second gear. A good question to ask yourself when self-doubt weighs you down: am I unable to move because of something in my external reality or my own beliefs around the given situation? Chances are, you’re not giving yourself the permission to move differently—to choose differently—because of wounds that are lingering from your past. Just a reminder: your mistakes do *not* define you, beautiful. It’s time to integrate your learning and start afresh.

Cosmic tip: Give life another chance.

Sagittarius Horoscope Today: July 28, 2024

But you didn’t get here overnight, Sagittarius. It is your hard work and dedication that have helped you get to this point in your existence. Consider this soulscope as an affirmation of your own power to co-create with the mysterious forces, above and below! Consider this soulscope as your reminder to express infinite gratitude for what is being poured into your chalice and what is yet to come. Something tells us, the blessings are going to multiply by ten, wild one! Word of warning, though: not everything will fructify as per your timeline. “Patience” is key, beautiful.

Cosmic tip: The law of divine timing is always working in your favour.

Capricorn Horoscope Today: July 28, 2024

Weekly reminder, Capricorn: everything’s transpiring at the precise moment it’s meant to. Not a minute earlier, not a minute later. And your life is a living, breathing proof of your ability to call in miracles! What you’re making space for right now: a deep, soulful connection. A fellow unicorn who gives you the space to be *you*, to be wildly and unapologetically you, whilst making you feel safe, secure and supported. Something tells us, your love like fine wine is only going to get better with time!

Cosmic tip: May you blossom alongside each other!

Aquarius Horoscope Today: July 28, 2024

But, you didn’t get here overnight, Aquarius! It is your sweat, blood and tears (not to mention, late nights!) that have enabled you to get where you are today. Take a moment to celebrate both the minor victories and the major breakthroughs. You’ve earned it! That said, you’re being reminded that being in a position of power has its pros and cons. For starters, you have the authority to implement big changes and set plans into motion. On the downside, you’re no longer the most popular person on the table. Do yourself a favour, let go of the need to be validated and focus on doing what needs to be done for the collective. If your vision is larger-than-life, it will require you to stand in your truth despite the opposition.

Cosmic tip: Focus on the grand vision.

Pisces Horoscope Today: July 28, 2024

You’ve spent a fair amount of time bending yourself backwards. You’ve spent a fair amount of time dimming your light so you may seem more palatable. Here’s a radical thought: what if you didn’t have to be anybody but your most authentic self to be loved by those around? You are *you*, and that’s your superpower, Pisces. So, be *you* in every situation. Show up in the big, bad world as the glorious and most magnificent version of yourself. The world will just have to adjust its expectations.

Cosmic tip: Have the courage to show up in the big, bad world as the glorious and most magnificent version of yourself!

  • In this story
  • Aquarius
  • Aries
  • Cancer
  • Capricorn
  • Gemini
  • Leo
  • Libra
  • Pisces
  • Sagittarius
  • Scorpio
  • Taurus
  • Virgo

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Horoscope Today: July 28, 2024 (2024)


How will be 2024 for Leo? ›

On August 16, 2024, the Sun will enter the Leo sign. This bold and creative sign is associated with performance, self-expression, and leadership. Under the influence of Leo, the Sun naturally ramps up the energies of ambition, creativity, and self-confidence.

What is the lucky color for July 28? ›

Miscommunication could cause trouble, but you can manage it by sitting down and talking things out. You'll likely spend quality time with your partner, which will strengthen your emotional connection. Lucky Colour: Sky Blue.

What is the Aquarius horoscope today 28 July 2024? ›

Aquarius Horoscope Prediction Today, 28-July-2024: It's an uphill struggle today! However, the heavens are on your side, and you will be saved from being swindled. Otherwise, it's an eventful day at work. You may initiate big business deals and new projects as well.

What is the personality of a Leo on July 28? ›

Leo individuals are dynamic, self-confident, and highly dramatic. They are considered to be good organizers, with an ability to lead and inspire others.

What does the future hold for Leo? ›

Leo. Your professional life will be top of mind throughout 2024 — or at least until June, predicts Thomas. You've been hard at work since 2023 and have seen growth in your career.

Is 2025 a lucky year for Leo? ›

According to Leo Horoscope 2025, people of the Leo zodiac sign have immense chances of achieving success this year. Your performance at the workplace will be excellent and your work will be appreciated and your position and prestige will also increase.

Why is July 28 special? ›

On this day in 1821, Peru declared independence from Spain. In 1941, the U.S. House approved plans for the Pentagon. In 1951, Walt Disney's Alice in Wonderland debuted. Sally Struthers, Richard Wright and Mike Bloomfield were born on this day.

What animal is July 28? ›

In astrology, Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac, considered as governing the period from about July 23 to about August 22. Its representation as a lion is usually linked with the Nemean lion slain by Heracles (Hercules) as part of the 12 Labours he was forced to do as penance for killing his wife and children..

Who is Leo compatible with? ›

What signs are most compatible with Leo? Leos are typically most compatible with fellow fire signs Aries and Sagittarius, along with air signs Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

What is the love Horoscope for a Leo today? ›

Leo Love Horoscope Today

If you're single, you may meet someone who sparks your interest in unexpected ways. For those in a relationship, this is an ideal time to deepen your connection. Be open to honest conversations and express your feelings freely.

What is Aquarius future in 2024? ›

The Year 2024 will be generally good for profession, education, progeny, love relations and marriage but will have challenges in finances and health. Saturn is in transit in the Lagna (first house), Rahu in the second, Jupiter in third and later fourth house and Ketu in the eighth house.

Which year will Aquarius be lucky? ›

Aquarius Yearly Horoscope 2024: The year 2024 brings dynamic opportunities for Aquarius to make exciting strides in all aspects of their life. 2024 heralds an auspicious time for Aquarius, one of refreshing personal transformations and bright opportunities in all areas.

What makes a Leo the happiest? ›

Confident and charismatic, Leos often radiate happiness through their vibrant personality and zest for life. They enjoy being in the spotlight, expressing themselves creatively and bringing joy to those around them.

Who are Leos loyal to? ›

Leos tend to gravitate towards fellow fixed signs, Scorpio and Aquarius. Scorpios understand Leo's need for loyalty, and they both crave a lot of intensity when they're dating someone. Scorpio is very black and white about who they want to get to know and let into their life, and Leo usually feels the same.

Who should Leo marry to? ›

What sign should Leo marry? Gemini, Libra, and Aries typically make the best life partners for Leo. As a fellow fire sign, Aries can match Leo's intensity and fulfill their need for a warm, passionate love match. Gemini and Libra, as air signs, are outgoing and adventurous.

Is 2026 good for Leo? ›

This year would bear fruits of average size in regard to work and profession perspective. Transit of Saturn and Rahu being unfavorable, you would not have success in domain of your work. Latent foes and opponents would be at their toes forcreating problems in your work. There would be mental stress regarding business.

What is Leo yearly predictions? ›

leo Yearly Horoscope

Your health will start improving and remain good for the rest of 2024. There is a chance that you will witness a few health hiccups in October 2024, but this will be a temporary phase. Avoid stressing and overworking. The New Year will help you succeed in life and tick off a few milestones.

What is the next zodiac 2024? ›

Your zodiac animal is determined by your year of birth, meaning those born in 2024 will fall under the Dragon sign. Those born in 2025 will be Snakes, and so on.

How long do Leo last? ›

Leo (July 23 – August 22) Virgo (August 23 – September 22) Libra (September 23 – October 22) Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

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