Scorpio Monthly Horoscope August 2024 (2024)

Scorpio Monthly Horoscope

August 2024 Horoscope: Predictions for Scorpio

Scorpio Monthly Horoscope August 2024 (1)
Scorpio Monthly Horoscope August 2024 (2)

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Horoscopes for:

Scorpios born October 24 to November 2
Scorpios born November 3 to 12
Scorpios born November 13 to 22

Overview for this Month: Scorpio (All)

Scorpio Monthly Horoscope August 2024 (3)August 2024 Monthly Horoscope Overview for Scorpio:

With much of your attention channeled into career matters, worldly affairs, and the outside world as you begin the month, dear Scorpio, you'll need to perform a balancing act in spots. Fortunately, you're up to the task! You might enjoy increased recognition but also some delays. Watching what you say, to a reasonable degree, is wise with Mercury retrograde much of August. While Mercury appears to be moving backward in its orbit, there can be communication issues and delays. Pressures to perform subside as the month progresses, however, even though you remain equally as active.

Your intimate life or passion projects can also be busy with Mars moving through your intimacy sector throughout August. You want to go deep, and you often find yourself entirely absorbed in what you're doing. If you need support, you take action, and if finances need special attention, you're inclined to get on top of matters during this cycle. Certainly, passions rise, which can sometimes lead to clashes or frustrations. To navigate these potential conflicts, it's important to communicate openly and honestly with your partner or team members. Fortunately, you're equally as passionate about doing something about problem areas.

So, despite a rather public theme in August, you're also paying loads of attention to the hidden or deep elements of your life. It's an important process that shouldn't be rushed or undervalued, although some might complain that you're not as "present" in your social life in early August. Venus moving through your social sector from the 4th to the 29th tones this right down as it enhances your appeal and enjoyment of others. Friendships or your popularity can receive a nice boost. You are more willing than usual to accommodate, change, and grow in your interactions.

You're also far less likely to stick with old patterns that are no longer performing. Business income is in better shape, and friends are more supportive. In love, the focus is on equality and positive energy.

After the New Moon on the 4th, there can be new beginnings related to your work, responsibilities, and reputation. But only the next day, Mercury begins its retrograde cycle, and you're looking back. This retrograde lasts from the 5th to the 28th, and you may need to return to an old project or redo and refine something you thought was complete. However, this apparent backtracking can lead to significant refinements and strengthening of critical areas of your life. Waiting for information can be part of the picture. Indeed, you may need to wait for the rewards, but these challenges are opportunities for growth and improvement.

Unusual turns of events can occur during Mercury's retrograde as it keeps life interesting and, at times, somewhat baffling! Again, you have much to learn from and through others, even impersonal connections, and it's often about how you react and respond to the people in your life. Interactions jumpstart your thinking, and through them, you can discover your own desires and objectives.

While there may be delays and obstacles, or even a few unknowns, until the 28th, these experiences can lead to the discovery of better alternative methods. The edits you make now could prove beneficial in the long term. Past friendships may play a more significant role in your life until the 14th, but from that date, retrograde Mercury moves back into your public and professional sector, shifting the focus to public or professional plans and communications. It's important to remind yourself that information is likely incomplete, and this realization can lead to a more open-minded and patient approach.

If there have been underlying issues in your domestic or personal life, the Full Moon on the 19th can bring them to the surface. Any revelations occurring now can push you to make changes that ultimately bring your life back into balance, particularly if you've been putting too much of yourself into your work and responsibilities. This period can be a prompt to lead a more balanced life.

A powerful Jupiter-Saturn square also occurs around the time of this Full Moon, presenting a conflict. The greater joy you experience in your intimate world can clash with responsibilities elsewhere, particularly related to a hobby, heartfelt pursuit, romance, or care of children. This transit highlights the differences in tastes, styles, or attitudes with people close to you, which can feel particularly disruptive. However, whatever emerges at this time can reveal vulnerable areas in your relationships or insecurities within, and recognizing these things can help you begin the work of finding a compromise.

A theme centering around friendship, cooperation, collaboration, and happiness pursuits picks up steam later in August. Indeed, this is an important period for your career, but you're expanding your interests and connecting with others in meaningful ways as the month progresses. It's a good time to embrace some new ideas and technologies.

Transits now stir the desire to round out your life with a stronger focus on friends, dreams, and hopes. You're shifting your focus more noticeably now, and a better balance between work and play is within reach.

See also This Month in Astrology.

Scorpio (Born October 24 to November 2) and Scorpio Ascendant 0 to 10 degrees Scorpio:

August 2024 Scorpio Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends

August 2024

The Sun this Month: Central Focus, Consciousness

Until August 22nd:

The Sun continues to put a spotlight on your solar tenth house. Satisfaction and fulfillment during this cycle come from doing your professional best, shining as a responsible and capable person, and contributing to the world in practical ways. You might have a chance to receive acknowledgement or praise for your work or good character now. Landing support from authority figures is easier at this time. Avoid the pitfalls of pride or arrogance standing in your way of success.

From August 22nd forward:

The Sun lights your solar eleventh house. The Sun illuminates your sector of friends, groups, and dreams coming true this month. It's a sociable sector of your chart, and that's exactly how you are feeling--happy, light-hearted, cosmopolitan, and social. Group affiliations capture your attention. Connections can be made now and networking pays off, or at least satisfies. Being part of a community or circle of friends and building your social network is important to you at this time.

This is a rather happy, goal-oriented cycle. A lively agenda is promised, you're attracting quite a bit of interest, and your energy for making contact with others is high. A stronger sense of community is with you during this cycle. Relationships take on a fun, if impersonal, tone now. Activities with children (especially others' children) may increase. You are more stimulated by all that is unconventional during this cycle, and your ideas are original and progressive now. This is a time to follow your dreams and ideals, and to plant a seed in the form of a wish for the future.

Venus this Month: Love, Romance, Social Life, Comfort, Pleasure

Until August 4th:

Venus continues to transit your solar tenth house. Relationships with authority figures, superiors, and with the public are in focus during this cycle. It's a strong period for diplomatic relations, although a negative expression of this position could be bending over backwards to please rather than positive, friendly relations. It's a time when being a team player reaps the most rewards, and you may be mixing business with pleasure now. This may be a time when you are especially enjoying your career or position and making the most of it.

From August 4th to 29th:

Venus graces your solar eleventh house now. Forming harmonious, warm social friendships, possibly related to group activities within a club, can figure now. You may meet someone through such group activities; consequently, your interests will be shared. Whether or not you do, the bottom line is that sharing interests with someone is what makes you happy during this cycle. Venus here enlivens your friendships and group associations with charm and grace. You are more peace-loving than usual and slightly detached on a personal level. If a romance were to begin during this time frame, it would be characterized by a strong feeling of camaraderie, but it could also be rather impersonal and perhaps lacking in depth and intimacy.

From August 29th forward:

Venus is spending some time in "hibernation" in your privacy sector. Now, this doesn't necessarily mean that your love life is stagnant, but that your affection is expressed behind closed doors. Attraction to secrets and whispers characterize this period, although for some, it can also be a time of endings, relationship concerns, and wistfulness. Personal and social contacts may be secretive, and there can be secret love affairs, or at least very private love feelings and longings. Shyness can lead to some loneliness or romantic frustration. However, this can also be a deliciously private and intimate time.

Mercury this Month: Communications, Learning, Connections, Transportation

Mercury is retrograde from August 5th to 28th:

All Mercury retrograde cycles particularly affect you in terms of communications with friends or groups, as well as intimate communications and shared financial resources, because Mercury rules these areas of your life. It would be wise to be especially clear when it comes to financial transactions and personal communications with friends, or, better yet, take this time to re-budget or rethink your plans instead of taking premature action. Group meetings may be postponed or cancelled, and friends may seem distant or confused.

Occurring in your solar tenth and eleventh houses this time, extra care should be exercised when communicating with friends, superiors, and co-workers. You may find that communications with bosses and co-workers, and other professional matters, can be tricky. Strive to be as clear as possible so that you are not misunderstood when dealing with the public. Put off making career decisions as much as possible for the time being. You may be re-thinking things regarding your life path, but it's best to think rather than act for now, as your judgment may be compromised. It would be wise to be especially clear when it comes to communicating with authority figures, children, and intimate partners during this cycle; or, better yet, take this time to rethink concerns and grievances before talking about them prematurely.

Mars this Month: Energy, Drive, Courage

All month:

Mars continues to energize your solar eighth house. This is a less outwardly assertive or aggressive stage for you as you take the time to process recent events in your life and to develop strategies for going after what you want in the future. You are more observant than active during this cycle, and more strategic and deliberate when you do take action. There may be an increase in sexual appetite now. It's an excellent period for eliminating wasteful activities. Shared finances can come into focus, and you might feel an increased need to take charge of these matters. This could lead to disputes and disagreements if you are not careful or sensitive in your dealings with others.

Overview Horoscope:

Scorpio Monthly Horoscope August 2024 (5)August 2024 Monthly Horoscope Overview for Scorpio:

With much of your attention channeled into career matters, worldly affairs, and the outside world as you begin the month, dear Scorpio, you'll need to perform a balancing act in spots. Fortunately, you're up to the task! You might enjoy increased recognition but also some delays. Watching what you say, to a reasonable degree, is wise with Mercury retrograde much of August. While Mercury appears to be moving backward in its orbit, there can be communication issues and delays. Pressures to perform subside as the month progresses, however, even though you remain equally as active.

Your intimate life or passion projects can also be busy with Mars moving through your intimacy sector throughout August. You want to go deep, and you often find yourself entirely absorbed in what you're doing. If you need support, you take action, and if finances need special attention, you're inclined to get on top of matters during this cycle. Certainly, passions rise, which can sometimes lead to clashes or frustrations. To navigate these potential conflicts, it's important to communicate openly and honestly with your partner or team members. Fortunately, you're equally as passionate about doing something about problem areas.

So, despite a rather public theme in August, you're also paying loads of attention to the hidden or deep elements of your life. It's an important process that shouldn't be rushed or undervalued, although some might complain that you're not as "present" in your social life in early August. Venus moving through your social sector from the 4th to the 29th tones this right down as it enhances your appeal and enjoyment of others. Friendships or your popularity can receive a nice boost. You are more willing than usual to accommodate, change, and grow in your interactions.

You're also far less likely to stick with old patterns that are no longer performing. Business income is in better shape, and friends are more supportive. In love, the focus is on equality and positive energy.

After the New Moon on the 4th, there can be new beginnings related to your work, responsibilities, and reputation. But only the next day, Mercury begins its retrograde cycle, and you're looking back. This retrograde lasts from the 5th to the 28th, and you may need to return to an old project or redo and refine something you thought was complete. However, this apparent backtracking can lead to significant refinements and strengthening of critical areas of your life. Waiting for information can be part of the picture. Indeed, you may need to wait for the rewards, but these challenges are opportunities for growth and improvement.

Unusual turns of events can occur during Mercury's retrograde as it keeps life interesting and, at times, somewhat baffling! Again, you have much to learn from and through others, even impersonal connections, and it's often about how you react and respond to the people in your life. Interactions jumpstart your thinking, and through them, you can discover your own desires and objectives.

While there may be delays and obstacles, or even a few unknowns, until the 28th, these experiences can lead to the discovery of better alternative methods. The edits you make now could prove beneficial in the long term. Past friendships may play a more significant role in your life until the 14th, but from that date, retrograde Mercury moves back into your public and professional sector, shifting the focus to public or professional plans and communications. It's important to remind yourself that information is likely incomplete, and this realization can lead to a more open-minded and patient approach.

If there have been underlying issues in your domestic or personal life, the Full Moon on the 19th can bring them to the surface. Any revelations occurring now can push you to make changes that ultimately bring your life back into balance, particularly if you've been putting too much of yourself into your work and responsibilities. This period can be a prompt to lead a more balanced life.

A powerful Jupiter-Saturn square also occurs around the time of this Full Moon, presenting a conflict. The greater joy you experience in your intimate world can clash with responsibilities elsewhere, particularly related to a hobby, heartfelt pursuit, romance, or care of children. This transit highlights the differences in tastes, styles, or attitudes with people close to you, which can feel particularly disruptive. However, whatever emerges at this time can reveal vulnerable areas in your relationships or insecurities within, and recognizing these things can help you begin the work of finding a compromise.

A theme centering around friendship, cooperation, collaboration, and happiness pursuits picks up steam later in August. Indeed, this is an important period for your career, but you're expanding your interests and connecting with others in meaningful ways as the month progresses. It's a good time to embrace some new ideas and technologies.

Transits now stir the desire to round out your life with a stronger focus on friends, dreams, and hopes. You're shifting your focus more noticeably now, and a better balance between work and play is within reach.

See our Time Line Forecast report for a personalized forecast for the year ahead.

Get your unique Personalized Horoscope for the year ahead—over 100 pages long—for a detailed guide to your best days and your most challenging days for attracting love, career success, communication, and more.

Know More About Yourself and Others

Try Cafe Astrology's in-depth
birth chart reports, relationship reports, future forecasts, and more.

Scorpio Monthly Horoscope August 2024 (7)Love & Romance Forecast Report

Love outlook for the year ahead. Try our .

Romantic Compatibility Reports

Try Cafe Astrology's in-depth
romantic compatibility reports, including the Synastry and Love Ties reports.

See also 2024 Scorpio Preview Horoscopeand the full 2024 Yearly Scorpio Horoscope.

Scorpio (Born November 3 to 12) and Scorpio Ascendant from 10 to 20 degrees Scorpio:

August 2024 Scorpio Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends

August 2024

Scorpio Monthly Horoscope August 2024 (9)The Sun this Month: Central Focus, Consciousness

All month:

The Sun illuminates your career and reputation sector. More than any other time of the year, your focus is drawn to your "place" or standing in the outer world, and your reputation. This is the time when you are more interested in, and focused on, accomplishing something important. Your competency is something that you are especially sensitive to during this cycle.

You want to shine! Your vision is practical right now, and you want to see tangible results for your efforts. More contact with authority figures is likely during this period. Recognition is likely to come your way whether you ask for it or not, and the responsibility that comes right along with it! Do what you feel is right, keeping in mind that you are at your most visible during this period in the year.

Venus this Month: Love, Romance, Social Life, Comfort, Pleasure

Until August 12th:

Venus continues to transit your solar tenth house. Relationships with authority figures, superiors, and with the public are in focus during this cycle. It's a strong period for diplomatic relations, although a negative expression of this position could be bending over backwards to please rather than positive, friendly relations. It's a time when being a team player reaps the most rewards, and you may be mixing business with pleasure now. This may be a time when you are especially enjoying your career or position and making the most of it.

From August 13th forward:

Venus graces your solar eleventh house now. Forming harmonious, warm social friendships, possibly related to group activities within a club, can figure now. You may meet someone through such group activities; consequently, your interests will be shared. Whether or not you do, the bottom line is that sharing interests with someone is what makes you happy during this cycle. Venus here enlivens your friendships and group associations with charm and grace. You are more peace-loving than usual and slightly detached on a personal level. If a romance were to begin during this time frame, it would be characterized by a strong feeling of camaraderie, but it could also be rather impersonal and perhaps lacking in depth and intimacy.

Mercury this Month: Communications, Learning, Connections, Transportation

Mercury is retrograde from August 5th to 28th:

All Mercury retrograde cycles particularly affect you in terms of communications with friends or groups, as well as intimate communications and shared financial resources, because Mercury rules these areas of your life. It would be wise to be especially clear when it comes to financial transactions and personal communications with friends, or, better yet, take this time to re-budget or rethink your plans instead of taking premature action. Group meetings may be postponed or cancelled, and friends may seem distant or confused.

Occurring in your solar tenth house this time, extra care should be exercised when communicating with the public, superiors, and co-workers. You may find that communications with bosses and co-workers, and concerning professional matters in general, can be tricky during this cycle. Strive to be as clear as possible so that you are not misunderstood when dealing with the public. Put off making definite career decisions as much as possible for the time being. You may be re-thinking matters regarding your life path, which is a good idea, but it's best to think rather than act for now, as your judgment may be compromised. It would be wise to be especially clear when it comes to communicating with authority figures during this cycle; or, better yet, take this time to rethink concerns and grievances before talking about them prematurely.

Mars this Month: Energy, Drive, Courage

Until the 4th:

Mars continues to move through your solar seventh house. During this period, strife is possible in your close personal relationships, as a significant other is now mirroring some of your own issues with assertiveness and anger. Attracting aggression in others during this cycle is a clue that there are unresolved issues within that need tending. You might actually seek some form of conflict, whether intentionally or not, in order to deal with these issues. There can be competitiveness in your life now. Any troublesome issues that have been dormant in a relationship are likely to surface, and can now be handled straightforwardly.

From August 4th forward:

Mars energizes your solar eighth house now. Sexuality and intimacy are stimulated under this transit. Negative expression of this energy is the tendency towards ego conflicts concerning jointly held property or money. Conflicts with partners over values or possessions are possible. Occasionally, this transit could bring a crisis or ending of some kind. Something you hear about now might disturb or touch you deeply. You are likely to be more strategic in your actions during this period, as you become aware of the subtleties of human interaction. This is a time when your best course of action is to recognize that you need, or rely on, others for support.

Overview Horoscope:

Scorpio Monthly Horoscope August 2024 (10)August 2024 Monthly Horoscope Overview for Scorpio:

With much of your attention channeled into career matters, worldly affairs, and the outside world as you begin the month, dear Scorpio, you'll need to perform a balancing act in spots. Fortunately, you're up to the task! You might enjoy increased recognition but also some delays. Watching what you say, to a reasonable degree, is wise with Mercury retrograde much of August. While Mercury appears to be moving backward in its orbit, there can be communication issues and delays. Pressures to perform subside as the month progresses, however, even though you remain equally as active.

Your intimate life or passion projects can also be busy with Mars moving through your intimacy sector throughout August. You want to go deep, and you often find yourself entirely absorbed in what you're doing. If you need support, you take action, and if finances need special attention, you're inclined to get on top of matters during this cycle. Certainly, passions rise, which can sometimes lead to clashes or frustrations. To navigate these potential conflicts, it's important to communicate openly and honestly with your partner or team members. Fortunately, you're equally as passionate about doing something about problem areas.

So, despite a rather public theme in August, you're also paying loads of attention to the hidden or deep elements of your life. It's an important process that shouldn't be rushed or undervalued, although some might complain that you're not as "present" in your social life in early August. Venus moving through your social sector from the 4th to the 29th tones this right down as it enhances your appeal and enjoyment of others. Friendships or your popularity can receive a nice boost. You are more willing than usual to accommodate, change, and grow in your interactions.

You're also far less likely to stick with old patterns that are no longer performing. Business income is in better shape, and friends are more supportive. In love, the focus is on equality and positive energy.

After the New Moon on the 4th, there can be new beginnings related to your work, responsibilities, and reputation. But only the next day, Mercury begins its retrograde cycle, and you're looking back. This retrograde lasts from the 5th to the 28th, and you may need to return to an old project or redo and refine something you thought was complete. However, this apparent backtracking can lead to significant refinements and strengthening of critical areas of your life. Waiting for information can be part of the picture. Indeed, you may need to wait for the rewards, but these challenges are opportunities for growth and improvement.

Unusual turns of events can occur during Mercury's retrograde as it keeps life interesting and, at times, somewhat baffling! Again, you have much to learn from and through others, even impersonal connections, and it's often about how you react and respond to the people in your life. Interactions jumpstart your thinking, and through them, you can discover your own desires and objectives.

While there may be delays and obstacles, or even a few unknowns, until the 28th, these experiences can lead to the discovery of better alternative methods. The edits you make now could prove beneficial in the long term. Past friendships may play a more significant role in your life until the 14th, but from that date, retrograde Mercury moves back into your public and professional sector, shifting the focus to public or professional plans and communications. It's important to remind yourself that information is likely incomplete, and this realization can lead to a more open-minded and patient approach.

If there have been underlying issues in your domestic or personal life, the Full Moon on the 19th can bring them to the surface. Any revelations occurring now can push you to make changes that ultimately bring your life back into balance, particularly if you've been putting too much of yourself into your work and responsibilities. This period can be a prompt to lead a more balanced life.

A powerful Jupiter-Saturn square also occurs around the time of this Full Moon, presenting a conflict. The greater joy you experience in your intimate world can clash with responsibilities elsewhere, particularly related to a hobby, heartfelt pursuit, romance, or care of children. This transit highlights the differences in tastes, styles, or attitudes with people close to you, which can feel particularly disruptive. However, whatever emerges at this time can reveal vulnerable areas in your relationships or insecurities within, and recognizing these things can help you begin the work of finding a compromise.

A theme centering around friendship, cooperation, collaboration, and happiness pursuits picks up steam later in August. Indeed, this is an important period for your career, but you're expanding your interests and connecting with others in meaningful ways as the month progresses. It's a good time to embrace some new ideas and technologies.

Transits now stir the desire to round out your life with a stronger focus on friends, dreams, and hopes. You're shifting your focus more noticeably now, and a better balance between work and play is within reach.

Get your unique Personalized Horoscope for the year ahead—over 100 pages long—for a detailed guide to your best days and your most challenging days for attracting love, career success, communication, and more.

Know More About Yourself and Others

Try Cafe Astrology's in-depth
birth chart reports, relationship reports, future forecasts, and more.

Scorpio Monthly Horoscope August 2024 (12)Love & Romance Forecast Report

Love outlook for the year ahead. Try our .

Romantic Compatibility Reports

Try Cafe Astrology's in-depth
romantic compatibility reports, including the Synastry and Love Ties reports.

See also 2024 Scorpio Preview Horoscope and the full 2024 Yearly Scorpio Horoscope.

Scorpio (Born November 13 to 22) and Scorpio Ascendant from 20 to 30 degrees Scorpio:

August 2024 Scorpio Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends

August 2024

Scorpio Monthly Horoscope August 2024 (14)The Sun this Month: Central Focus, Consciousness

Until August 11th:

The Sun continues to shine its light on your solar ninth house now. This is a cycle in which you seek to expand your experiences and awareness, whether through philosophical thinking, higher education, travel, or simply activities that take you away from your everyday routines. You may feel a little restless if you don't find ways to explore.

It's an excellent period for looking at your life from a different perspective--a broader one--whether you initiate this process or you make contact with others who stimulate you to think about your circ*mstances differently. Your energy is strong, open, and friendly right now, you come across well to others, and you are a little bolder and adventurous than usual.

From August 12th forward:

The Sun illuminates your career and reputation sector. More than any other time of the year, your focus is drawn to your "place" or standing in the outer world, and your reputation. This is the time when you are more interested in, and focused on, accomplishing something important. Your competency is something that you are especially sensitive to during this cycle.

You want to shine! Your vision is practical right now, and you want to see tangible results for your efforts. More contact with authority figures is likely during this period. Recognition is likely to come your way whether you ask for it or not, and the responsibility that comes right along with it! Do what you feel is right, keeping in mind that you are at your most visible during this period in the year.

Venus this Month: Love, Romance, Social Life, Comfort, Pleasure

Until August 21st:

Venus continues to transit your solar tenth house. Relationships with authority figures, superiors, and with the public are in focus during this cycle. It's a strong period for diplomatic relations, although a negative expression of this position could be bending over backwards to please rather than positive, friendly relations. It's a time when being a team player reaps the most rewards, and you may be mixing business with pleasure now. This may be a time when you are especially enjoying your career or position and making the most of it.

From August 21st forward:

Venus graces your solar eleventh house now. Forming harmonious, warm social friendships, possibly related to group activities within a club, can figure now. You may meet someone through such group activities; consequently, your interests will be shared. Whether or not you do, the bottom line is that sharing interests with someone is what makes you happy during this cycle. Venus here enlivens your friendships and group associations with charm and grace. You are more peace-loving than usual and slightly detached on a personal level. If a romance were to begin during this time frame, it would be characterized by a strong feeling of camaraderie, but it could also be rather impersonal and perhaps lacking in depth and intimacy.

Mercury this Month: Communications, Learning, Connections, Transportation

Mercury is retrograde from August 5th to 28th:

All Mercury retrograde cycles particularly affect you in terms of communications with friends or groups, as well as intimate communications and shared financial resources, because Mercury rules these areas of your life. It would be wise to be especially clear when it comes to financial transactions and personal communications with friends, or, better yet, take this time to re-budget or rethink your plans instead of taking premature action. Group meetings may be postponed or cancelled, and friends may seem distant or confused.

Occurring in your solar tenth house this time, extra care should be exercised when communicating with the public, superiors, and co-workers. You may find that communications with bosses and co-workers, and concerning professional matters in general, can be tricky during this cycle. Strive to be as clear as possible so that you are not misunderstood when dealing with the public. Put off making definite career decisions as much as possible for the time being. You may be re-thinking matters regarding your life path, which is a good idea, but it's best to think rather than act for now, as your judgment may be compromised. It would be wise to be especially clear when it comes to communicating with authority figures during this cycle; or, better yet, take this time to rethink concerns and grievances before talking about them prematurely.

Mars this Month: Energy, Drive, Courage

Until the 19th:

Mars continues to move through your solar seventh house. During this period, strife is possible in your close personal relationships, as a significant other is now mirroring some of your own issues with assertiveness and anger. Attracting aggression in others during this cycle is a clue that there are unresolved issues within that need tending. You might actually seek some form of conflict, whether intentionally or not, in order to deal with these issues. There can be competitiveness in your life now. Any troublesome issues that have been dormant in a relationship are likely to surface, and can now be handled straightforwardly.

From August 20th forward:

Mars energizes your solar eighth house now. Sexuality and intimacy are stimulated under this transit. Negative expression of this energy is the tendency towards ego conflicts concerning jointly held property or money. Conflicts with partners over values or possessions are possible. Occasionally, this transit could bring a crisis or ending of some kind. Something you hear about now might disturb or touch you deeply. You are likely to be more strategic in your actions during this period, as you become aware of the subtleties of human interaction. This is a time when your best course of action is to recognize that you need, or rely on, others for support.

Overview Horoscope:

Scorpio Monthly Horoscope August 2024 (15)August 2024 Monthly Horoscope Overview for Scorpio:

With much of your attention channeled into career matters, worldly affairs, and the outside world as you begin the month, dear Scorpio, you'll need to perform a balancing act in spots. Fortunately, you're up to the task! You might enjoy increased recognition but also some delays. Watching what you say, to a reasonable degree, is wise with Mercury retrograde much of August. While Mercury appears to be moving backward in its orbit, there can be communication issues and delays. Pressures to perform subside as the month progresses, however, even though you remain equally as active.

Your intimate life or passion projects can also be busy with Mars moving through your intimacy sector throughout August. You want to go deep, and you often find yourself entirely absorbed in what you're doing. If you need support, you take action, and if finances need special attention, you're inclined to get on top of matters during this cycle. Certainly, passions rise, which can sometimes lead to clashes or frustrations. To navigate these potential conflicts, it's important to communicate openly and honestly with your partner or team members. Fortunately, you're equally as passionate about doing something about problem areas.

So, despite a rather public theme in August, you're also paying loads of attention to the hidden or deep elements of your life. It's an important process that shouldn't be rushed or undervalued, although some might complain that you're not as "present" in your social life in early August. Venus moving through your social sector from the 4th to the 29th tones this right down as it enhances your appeal and enjoyment of others. Friendships or your popularity can receive a nice boost. You are more willing than usual to accommodate, change, and grow in your interactions.

You're also far less likely to stick with old patterns that are no longer performing. Business income is in better shape, and friends are more supportive. In love, the focus is on equality and positive energy.

After the New Moon on the 4th, there can be new beginnings related to your work, responsibilities, and reputation. But only the next day, Mercury begins its retrograde cycle, and you're looking back. This retrograde lasts from the 5th to the 28th, and you may need to return to an old project or redo and refine something you thought was complete. However, this apparent backtracking can lead to significant refinements and strengthening of critical areas of your life. Waiting for information can be part of the picture. Indeed, you may need to wait for the rewards, but these challenges are opportunities for growth and improvement.

Unusual turns of events can occur during Mercury's retrograde as it keeps life interesting and, at times, somewhat baffling! Again, you have much to learn from and through others, even impersonal connections, and it's often about how you react and respond to the people in your life. Interactions jumpstart your thinking, and through them, you can discover your own desires and objectives.

While there may be delays and obstacles, or even a few unknowns, until the 28th, these experiences can lead to the discovery of better alternative methods. The edits you make now could prove beneficial in the long term. Past friendships may play a more significant role in your life until the 14th, but from that date, retrograde Mercury moves back into your public and professional sector, shifting the focus to public or professional plans and communications. It's important to remind yourself that information is likely incomplete, and this realization can lead to a more open-minded and patient approach.

If there have been underlying issues in your domestic or personal life, the Full Moon on the 19th can bring them to the surface. Any revelations occurring now can push you to make changes that ultimately bring your life back into balance, particularly if you've been putting too much of yourself into your work and responsibilities. This period can be a prompt to lead a more balanced life.

A powerful Jupiter-Saturn square also occurs around the time of this Full Moon, presenting a conflict. The greater joy you experience in your intimate world can clash with responsibilities elsewhere, particularly related to a hobby, heartfelt pursuit, romance, or care of children. This transit highlights the differences in tastes, styles, or attitudes with people close to you, which can feel particularly disruptive. However, whatever emerges at this time can reveal vulnerable areas in your relationships or insecurities within, and recognizing these things can help you begin the work of finding a compromise.

A theme centering around friendship, cooperation, collaboration, and happiness pursuits picks up steam later in August. Indeed, this is an important period for your career, but you're expanding your interests and connecting with others in meaningful ways as the month progresses. It's a good time to embrace some new ideas and technologies.

Transits now stir the desire to round out your life with a stronger focus on friends, dreams, and hopes. You're shifting your focus more noticeably now, and a better balance between work and play is within reach.

See our Time Line Forecast report for a personalized forecast for the year ahead.

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Scorpio Monthly Horoscope August 2024 (17)Love & Romance Forecast Report

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See also 2024 Scorpio Preview Horoscope and the full 2024 Yearly Scorpio Horoscope.

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See also: If Today is Your Birthday Forecasts.

Find out about your year ahead with a 2023 Personalized Horoscope, a comprehensive Sky Log Report for only $5.95 or a detailed Solar Return Birthday Report for only $4.95.

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About Our Monthly Horoscopes:

Scorpio Monthly Horoscope August 2024 (20)Our detailed monthly horoscopes are designed to reveal and interpret the current transits of the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars in your solar chart. Because these energies or transits do not unfold neatly into any given calendar month (many transits carry forward from one month to the next), you will find some of the energies continue from the previous month.

For example, the Sun might transit the second house of your solar chart from June 21 to July 22, so that you will find a similar interpretation for this transit in both June and July’s horoscope. This is normal and expected. While new months can hold new energy, transits don’t abruptly change because the calendar month changes.

These monthly horoscopes also include an overview paragraph, as well as other energies specific to the month, such as retrogrades, eclipses, or major outer planet transits.

The horoscopes are divided into three groups or decanates, and the differences between the groups are subtle in parts and large in other parts. For those who prefer a whole sign approach to horoscopes (classic), simply read the first decanate regardless of your birthdate.

About Astrology:

What is Astrology? Learn all about the signs of the zodiac. We offer interpretations of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and the Ascendant in the signs:

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

See Also:

Articles: Learn Astrology

Love Sign Compatibility

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Try Cafe Astrology's in-depth
birth chart reports, relationship reports, future forecasts, and more.

Scorpio Monthly Horoscope August 2024 (2024)


Which month is good for Scorpio in 2024? ›

For Scorpio individuals, August 2024 is a highly favourable month for career prospects. This month, Venus and Mercury will be positioned in your tenth house, which governs your career and professional life. Additionally, Mars and Saturn will cast their influence on this house.

What's in store for Scorpio in 2024? ›

2024 will be a successful year, and Scorpios will enjoy leadership, power, strength, and more. The first half of 2024 will favor your career and family life, while the second half will improve your finances, love life, and relationships.

What is Scorpio mental health in 2024? ›

Stress and emotional turbulence could manifest physically, so it's imperative to prioritize emotional well-being. We advise Scorpio sun signs to nurture emotional well-being in 2024. Cultivate mindfulness, embrace self-reflection, and seek support when needed.

How will it be 2025 for Scorpio? ›

According to Scorpio's yearly love horoscope 2025, this year will be very romantic for you. The beginning of the year will be relaxing. Jupiter will bring positive effects in your life. You will enjoy a comfortable life.

What is the Scorpio family life in 2024? ›

In 2024, Scorpio natives have an opportunity for personal growth as they navigate communication challenges within family dynamics. The Scorpio family relationship horoscope 2024 indicates that while the support from mothers may be limited, this presents a chance to you to enhance self-reliance and foster understanding.

What is the lucky number for Scorpio in 2024? ›

The lucky number for Scorpio is 8, which symbolizes power, tenacity, and determination, which is consistent with its personality. characteristics. If you are a Scorpio, associating the No. 8 with your decisions, plans, and actions may bring you extra good luck.

What is the Tarot card prediction for Scorpio 2024? ›

Scorpio Love & Relationships Tarot Horoscope 2024

You might assess the obstacles coming in your relationships and might also try your best to remove the obstacles. By removing the obstacles in marital life, you might move towards meaningful relationships which might help you to go smoothly in life.

When a Scorpio buys you gifts? ›

When a Scorpio cares about you, this usually private sign can't help but shout it from the rooftops. They use gift giving as an opportunity to say all the things their tight-lipped self has kept bottled up all year. And don't be surprised if any gift from them also comes with a heartfelt (and lengthy) card.

Is June 8 2024 a Scorpio horoscope? ›

Scorpio, Horoscope Today, June 8, 2024: Emotional intensity is highlighted. Scorpios, influenced by Pluto, focus on introspection and transformation. Emotional intensity is highlighted, promoting deep bonding in relationships and strategic thinking in careers.

What is the lifespan of a Scorpio? ›

On average scorpions may live 3 to 5 years, but some species can live as long as 10 to 15 years. Scorpions have an interesting mating ritual. The male grasps the female's pincers with his and leads her in a courtship dance that may last for several hours.

What health issues do Scorpios have? ›

Scorpio natives are prone to problems and infections of the sex organs. Skin eruptions on the genitals, cystitis and diseases of the urinary tract, and venereal infections are ailments to which Scorpios are very susceptible to. In addition, Scorpions are subject to ill health brought on by emotional difficulties.

What is the mental age of a Scorpio? ›

Scorpio. This zodiac sign represents the age from 49 to 56, which is like a real midlife crisis. People under Scorpio are trying to understand and use their full power and abilities. Scorpios are striving to become a strong force in the world, whether through building a family or pursuing a successful career.

What does the future hold for Scorpio? ›

Horoscope Constellation Scorpio. Jupiter (the planet of expansion and miracles) has been across the sky from you since May 2023, says Thomas, bringing "growth to significant partners in business or love." He says you'll likely "retain this energy" until around June 2024.

What is the career horoscope for Scorpio in 2024? ›

The Scorpio natives in the business sector will see phenomenal results in trade and an increase in profits and gains, as per the 2024 horoscope for your career. You will get the desired results from your employees. Your business will flourish and reach a new level of success this year.

How is 2026 going to be for Scorpio? ›

First half of the year would be auspicious for economic perspective. You would succeed in having expected savings because of combined aspectual effect of Jupiter and Saturn on Second House. You would have advantages of gemstones and ornaments. You would enjoy comforts from immovable properties along with vehicles.

What is the Scorpio prediction for May 2024? ›

Scorpio Monthly Horoscope for May 2024: May promises a significant transformation, embracing change, fostering growth, and experiencing deep emotional connections. For Scorpios, May is a pivotal month of transformation and introspection.

What months go with Scorpio? ›

In astrology, Scorpius (or Scorpio) is the eighth sign of the zodiac, considered as governing the period from about October 24 to about November 21.

What is the career horoscope for Scorpio in February 2024? ›

You're expected to experience a boom in your career path, thanks to the vibrant energy of Jupiter. It may push you to reassess your professional ambitions and make brave choices. Expect to dive deep into new projects and commitments. Collaborations are well-starred, so utilize them.

What are Scorpios lucky days? ›

Up to Six days of each month are particularly lucky for Scorpios. They are as follows: For January: 2nd, 3rd, 7th, 8th, and the 22nd. For February: 3rd, 9th, 17th, 18th, 24th, and the 27th.

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

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