Monthly Horoscope: August 2024 (2024)

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See what the stars have in store for your sign.

Monthly Horoscope: August 2024 (1)

What is conditioning if not the false programming, Leo? It often comes with a side of fear—fear of judgement, failure, or stepping out of line. It’s like having an invisible critic hovering over your shoulder, making you second-guess your every move. The good thing is, the new moon in your sign is prompting an inner revolution. The kind of revolution that will enable you to break free from the “shoulds” and the “musts” so you can create the life of your dreams. It’s an endless summer of love in the Aries Sanctuary—think spontaneous date nights, stolen kisses, handwritten notes and sunset strolls! Yes, things are as good as they feel. Instead of getting in your head—which we know you love to—savour the sweetness of this moment with a grateful heart. Single Aries, bring out the rose quartz and the red candles as you turn up the charm. It’s time to work with Goddess Aphrodite to call in the divine soulmate you desire and deserve. Spiritually speaking, you are undergoing a process of inner alchemy. Like a serpent shedding its own skin, you’re letting go of dated beliefs, self-negating thoughts and outmoded patterns. The road to transformation isn’t always rainbows and sunshine. Your strength is that you’re prepared to face the inner darkness en route to becoming the best, most magnificent version of yourself!

So, what does August 2024 have in store for the rest of the signs? Let’s find out. Remember, these are guidance-based soulscopes that can be read according to your sun, moon, and rising. Pick what resonates with you the most! Oh, and one more thing! Remember to harness the magic of the power crystal that has been recommended alongside the channelled messages.

Aries Monthly Horoscope: August 2024

It’s an endless summer of love in the Aries Sanctuary—think spontaneous date nights, stolen kisses, handwritten notes and sunset strolls! Yes, things are as good as they feel. Instead of getting in your head—which we know you love to—savour the sweetness of this moment with a grateful heart. Single Aries, bring out the rose quartz and the red candles as you turn up the charm. It’s time to work with Goddess Aphrodite to call in the divine soulmate you desire and deserve. What’s more, the cards are indicating a season of madness and magic, especially if you’re co-creating with your tribe this month! That’s right, beautiful! You’re being called to harness the power of the collective—to surround yourself with those who not only believe in your vision and your mission, but are willing to put in the work it takes to get to the desired destination. Remember, open and honest communication is the hallmark of every healthy relationship. So, don’t hesitate to speak your mind, if and when conflicts arise.

Power crystal: Rose quartz, to recognise that softness is your strength.

Taurus Monthly Horoscope: August 2024

The chrysalis stage of development can be all kinds of uncomfortable. The caterpillar’s body starts breaking down into a gooey, cellular soup. And then, over a period of time, its cells rearrange themselves as a way to prepare for the big reveal! If this sounds familiar, know that you too are a butterfly-in-the-waiting, Taurus! Embrace this period of metamorphosis as you prepare to shed the baggage of the past. The uncertainty of it all can be daunting—we get it. But, the best way to embrace change is to simply dance with it! Speaking of change, things may feel unsettled on the romantic front. Could it be that your time together has come to end? Perhaps, you need to pause, step back and gain some perspective? Listen to what your inner compass is telling you without letting your rational mind interfere with the process. As always, remember that life is happening *for* you, not to you. That you are creating your reality through the thoughts you think and the choices you make.

Power crystal: Lepidolite, to assist you in this process of transition.

Gemini Monthly Horoscope: August 2024

You know, Gemini. You know in your heart of hearts that the universe is always working in your favour! That’s it’s doing everything it can to help you get in alignment with your grandest vision. So, you’re letting go of that false sense of control and allowing things to unfold as they should, especially in the realm of relationships. Instead of “putting yourself out there” or “making things work”, you’re simply turning your gaze inwards and doing the work. The journey of confronting the shadows is not for the brave-hearted. Thank goddess you’re blessed with an infinite amount of courage! When it comes to professional matters, you’ll find yourself co-creating with your rainbow crew, with the people that you love the most! Perks of the job: the feeling of being held and supported by fellow unicorns who believe in your magic + those heart-to-heart conversations. Perils: the inability to call people out on their BS because you fear hurting them and reaffirming your boundaries when need. If this is true in your case, remember that honesty is the hallmark of every healthy relationship.

Power crystal: Blue kyanite, to activate your throat chakra and speak your truth effortlessly.

Cancer Monthly Horoscope: August 2024

Everything—and we mean, everything—is looking spectacular on the professional front this month! You’re moving through life with the inner knowing that you are where you are supposed to be, doing what you are supposed to be doing. *This* is what it feels like to be living in alignment and weaving magic in a way that’s divinely ordained! The only thing you want to be mindful of is your relationship with money. There’s a chance you’re holding onto too tightly because you fear you might run out of resources. Overheard at the cosmic conference: a tight fist cannot make space for grace. When it comes to matters of the heart, practise patience—especially if you’re in the process of letting something or someone go. Remember, it’s not always about a person or a relationship. Sometimes, life challenges us to release the outmoded patterns that hinder growth and prevent us from stepping into the most embodied version of ourselves.

Power crystal: Amethyst, to tap into your higher wisdom.

Leo Monthly Horoscope: August 2024

What is conditioning if not the false programming? It often comes with a side of fear—fear of judgement, failure, or stepping out of line. It's like having an invisible critic hovering over your shoulder, making you second-guess your every move. The good thing is, the new moon in your sign is prompting an inner revolution. The kind of revolution that will enable you to break free from the “shoulds” and the “musts” so you can create the life of your dreams. Just a reminder: destiny is just free will being exercised by your higher self! When it comes to matters of the heart, both magic and madness are indicated. We’re talking about the kind of love that feels fated—that feels serendipitous. So, give yourself the permission to dissolve the barriers as you bring the gift of sensuality into the relationship. This is the season to honour the divine in your beloved by being fully awake and fully present in each moment of togetherness. PS: trust that your relationship will blossom with you, beautiful!

Power crystal: Citrine, to step into the portal of joy, magick, and creativity!

Virgo Monthly Horoscope: August 2024

Dharma, in its simplest form, is like your cosmic job description—it’s what you’re here to do, the unique purpose that only *you* can fulfil in this grand cosmic production called life. Think of it as your soul's calling, a blend of your passions, strengths, and the roles you naturally gravitate towards. It's not just about what you do, but how you do it and the positive impact your offerings have on others. But, what does this have to do with anything? The fact that a major level up is on the cards for you this month! What the signs are revealing: that Spirit’s vision for you is grander than the vision you have in mind for yourself. ‘Course to expect every aspect of your life to be picture-perfect would be a tad bit unrealistic, Virgo! Make peace with the fact that you will be tested when it comes to your interpersonal relationships, especially if you’ve been afraid to confront what’s lurking beneath the surface. Yes, we all love the smell and the taste of the familiar. But, that doesn’t mean that the familiar always serves us well. Don’t be afraid to choose yourself—over and over again.

Power crystal: Yellow calcite, to strengthen your solar plexus and stay connected to sense of purpose.

Libra Monthly Horoscope: August 2024

This month, it’s all about fulfilling your *dharma* or your sacred purpose. It’s about serving from a space of authenticity and sharing your sacred gifts. So, listen to your inner voice and follow your passions, even if that means taking the road less travelled. You know in your heart of hearts that your path is uniquely yours and that detours are part of the adventure as well. Perks of living in alignment? It creates a strong magnetic field around you, which in turn calls into your experience both golden opportunities and abundance! If reinventing your social media game is something you’ve been thinking about, embrace your individuality *and* your quirks. In the age of curated social media personas, being real is a superpower, beautiful! When it comes to matters of the heart, you may find yourself falling for somebody in your inner circle—perhaps an old friend you have recently reconnected with. If this is true in your case, give yourself the permission to get real about your feelings without being attached to a specific outcome. What your spirit guides are whispering: what is meant to be yours will ultimately find its way to you! For coupled Libras, this is the season to throw the damn rulebook out of the window and adopt the mantra “friends first, then lovers”.

Power crystal: Himalayan quartz, to manifest from a space of clarity.

Scorpio Monthly Horoscope: August 2024

Scorpio, you’re doing that thing where you’re giving the past more power than it deserves. The perils of obsessing over what’s gone? That it takes you away from the blessings that are being poured into your chalice now. Here’s something to remember as you move through Leo season: you did what you thought was best at the time, and that’s enough. It’s time to free yourself from the old story, beautiful! What you want to do instead is clarify your intentions and work towards the big goals you have set for yourself with single-minded focus. On a side note, if this requires you to go back to your books, now is a good time to search for a course that meets your criteria. The good news? You’re likely to hit the jackpot when it comes to matters of the heart, especially if you’re in the market for love! The cards are indicating a partner who’s both loyal and committed and wants to dance the dance of life with you. In the early stages of a relationship? Don’t hesitate to talk about your vision for the future if you sense potential.

Power crystal: Green aventurine, for an extra doze of good juju!

Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope: August 2024

Spiritually speaking, you are undergoing a process of inner alchemy. Like a serpent shedding its own skin, you’re letting go of dated beliefs, self-negating thoughts and outmoded patterns. The road to transformation isn’t always rainbows and sunshine. Your strength is that you’re prepared to face the inner darkness en route to becoming the best, most magnificent version of yourself! That said, you may also have to sever ties with a certain someone who has been hindering your growth or your idea of the “happily-ever-after” you envisioned with them. As always, remember that life is happening *for*, and not to you, Sagittarius. When it comes to your professional life, you’re being guided to flip the script. Instead of focusing on what isn’t working, redirect your energy towards growth and self-development. What that means in a practical sense? Get curious about what lights you up and make it your soul’s mission to follow your bliss.

Power crystal: Smoky quartz, to help you stay grounded through the ebb and flow.

Capricorn Monthly Horoscope: August 2024

Capricorn, 2024 has been a wild ride for you—to say the least! You’ve seen the highest of highs and the lowest of lows on your journey. So, nothing fazes you anymore. You understand that in order to embrace the grandest vision of your life you may have to shed a few more layers—and with that the dated beliefs that no longer serve your highest and greatest good. The good thing is, you’re ready to face your fears *and* embrace change, irrespective of the form in which it appears. Speaking of change, not everybody is going to be on board your radical ideas, and that’s okay! Stay committed to your vision as you embrace “integrity” as your superpower. When it comes to matters of the heart, you’re being encouraged to get curious about what lights you up as a couple. To engage in activities that spark joy and to pursue common interests (not just over the weekend!) If you’re single, join that Tango class or book club you’ve been thinking about. With Cupid’s gaze on you, you never know who you may cross paths with!

Power crystal: Selenite, to clear past wounds.

Aquarius Monthly Horoscope: August 2024

Given the past wounds that are resurfacing, it will be easy for you to slip into a pattern of avoiding deep emotions or difficult conversations, especially when things take an intense turn. But, love thrives on vulnerability and open communication. Start by getting real with yourself with what’s really going on within and then communicating the same to your partner. At the same time, tap into your softer side and listen to what they have to say about the given situation. Drastic changes cannot be implemented overnight, but you can take that first step—even if that means seeking professional help. That said, things on the work front could get complicated as you and certain someone refuse to see eye-to-eye. It’s true that ethics are paramount and must not be compromised. However, by being rigid about how things ought to be, you could be closing yourself off to fresh ideas and newer perspectives. As always, focus on bringing flexibility and flow into the equation. You’ll be surprised by what you discover about yourself and the world around you in the process.

Power crystal: Labradorite, to unlock the door to your creative consciousness.

Pisces Monthly Horoscope: August 2024

It’s easy, Pisces. It’s easy to shut them out at the first sign of discomfort. You know what takes an insane amount of courage? Talking about the tough stuff. We’re not telling you to stay in a toxic relationship or make things work because you fear disappointing the people around. We’re simply encouraging you to remember why you embarked upon this journey with them as you invite kindness and compassion into the dynamic. Just a reminder: there’s no mountain you cannot climb when you’re walking side by side. That said, challenges are likely to arise on the professional front too. The feeling that you’re stuck in second gear despite your best efforts to push the accelerator. Could there be another way to navigate the obstacle course, though? Contemplate what effortless-effort means to you and how you can practise. Oh, and one more thing! Don’t be afraid to step into the limelight as and when the situation requires you to. You’ve earned your way to the top, beautiful!

Power crystal: Aquamarine, to strengthen your throat chakra.

  • In this story
  • Aquarius
  • Aries
  • Cancer
  • Capricorn
  • Gemini
  • Leo
  • Libra
  • Pisces
  • Sagittarius
  • Scorpio
  • Taurus
  • Virgo

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Monthly Horoscope: August 2024 (2024)


What is the monthly horoscope for August 2024 for Leos? ›

Leo Monthly Horoscope for August 2024: Expect shifts in love, career, and finances; stay positive and adaptable for optimal growth. This month brings significant changes for Leos, especially in love, career, and finances. Embrace adaptability and maintain a positive mindset.

What signs are affected by Mercury retrograde August 2024? ›

August 2024's Mercury retrograde starts under the earth sign Virgo before moving into fire sign Leo. While each retrograde affects all star signs, it's the one which it falls under that sees the deepest effects, so Virgos and Leos beware!

Is 2024 a good year for Leo? ›

According to astrology forecast 2024, this year the Leo natives are going to enjoy a good vibes by all means. If the natives are on the right track they will have all round support from financial corners and cosmos corners.

What is the lucky day for Virgo in August 2024? ›

August 17, 2024, is set to be a day of comfort and contentment for Virgo. Your focus will likely be on your home and family, where you'll find great satisfaction in making improvements or simply enjoying time with loved ones.

Is August a good month for Leo? ›

This is a time for you to stretch yourself and set big goals. This time of year is especially auspicious for you due to the 8/8 Lion's Gate Portal. The alignment of Earth, Sirius and Orion in the constellation of Leo is an opportunity to focus on your manifestations and watch them unfold.

Which month is good for Leo? ›

July brings opportunities for growth, love, and financial stability for Leos. This month, Leos will experience a rejuvenation in personal and professional areas. Relationships flourish, career prospects improve, and financial stability is within reach.

Is Mercury in retrograde in 2024 for Leo? ›

Mercury Retrograde August 2024 from August 4 to August 27, 2024. From August 14 to 28, Mercury retrograde shifts into Leo. During this time, the focus changes from external factors affecting our work, health, or daily routines to how we see ourselves internally.

What happens to Leos when Mercury is in retrograde? ›

Mercury's retrograde transit through Leo is an opportunity to reflect on our relationship with our sense of identity and our personal expression, a chance to question existing beliefs about creativity, and an invitation to refine and redefine how we communicate our ideas, opinions, and thoughts to the world.

What not to do during Mercury retrograde? ›

What to do – and what not to do – during Mercury retrograde
  • Don't rush into important decisions.
  • Don't sign contracts too quickly.
  • Don't launch new projects without thinking.
  • Don't make major purchases.
  • Limit travel if possible.
  • Don't argue with others.
  • Don't be too hard on yourself.
  • Don't let stress overwhelm you.
Apr 4, 2024

Who is Leos soulmate? ›

Leo's best soulmates are usually Aries, Gemini, Libra, Capricorn, and Sagittarius. Aries and Sag are fellow fire signs, while Libra and Gemini are clever air signs and the only earth sign is Capricorn. Leo's least likely soulmates are usually earth signs like Virgo plus water signs like Pisces and Scorpio.

Which horoscope is lucky in 2024? ›

Taurus, known for their diligence and resilience, is also predicted to experience significant financial luck in 2024. Taurus's characteristic traits, such as determination and perseverance, can be valuable assets in achieving financial goals.

Are Leo lucky with money? ›

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Leos are also known for their generosity, and their willingness to share their wealth which further enhances their financial luck.

What days are lucky for Leo's? ›

Leo Lucky/Unlucky
Ruling PlanetSun
Lucky DaysTuesdays, Fridays and Sundays
Business PartnerSagittarius
Lucky AlphabetA, L, Y and F
Best ProfessionSpeculation, Jewelers, Soldiers, Surgeons, Dentists, Barber, Butcher, Administrative Managers, Engineers, Lawyers, Priests.
13 more rows

What is the future of Virgo in 2024? ›

Virgo Yearly Horoscope Predictions 2024: The year looks progressive for you but in the beginning of this year, career related matters shall look uncertain due to the complex impact of South Node. Things shall start to fall in place gradually due to the Mercury's support.

What is the lucky age for a Virgo? ›

5, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50 and every 9 years after are lucky years for Virgo. Some years may be especially prosperous and fortunate for Virgos.

What year will be lucky for Leo? ›

2024 is a lucky year for Leo – it will help you fulfill some long-pending dreams and bring you opportunities for progress in career, finances and relationship.

What is the Leo monthly money horoscope? ›

Leo Monthly Finance Horoscope

Do not get disillusioned by goals that are projections of your desire to earn quick money. The risks that you take may not be profitable for you and this is definitely not a good time to make new investments.

Can you be a Leo in August? ›

Leo (July 22 to August 23) Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac (July 22 to August 23), and it's represented by the lion. A fixed fired sign ruled by the sun, Leo (called Simha in Vedic astrology) has energy that is glamorous, courageous, and bold.

What is the love horoscope for a Leo monthly? ›

In the beginning of this month, discussing new things with your mate can deepen your connection considerably. If you are not in relationship, you may have strong planetary support to meet the love of your life. Your romantic status may improve as the month advances.

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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.